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Biggest Mistakes Choosing a Place to Retire

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Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for February 3.  As cold weather and snow pummels the Northeastern U.S. even snowbirds are putting on their sweaters. Punxatawney Phil saw his shadow, so he reckons spring is a mere 6 weeks away. Meanwhile you can use this site to explore retirement places virtually.
We hope you are all having success getting your Covid vaccinations. Here in Florida it is chaotic.

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10 Best of the Best Places to Retire

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Oro Valley - Arizona

Just north of Tucson is this quieter place to retire. Its beautiful foothills lead to nearby mountains with fantastic access to the outdoors. Retirees and families alike live here, and there are a number of luxury resorts as well as a Sun City. More>>

Worst Mistakes Choosing a Place to Retire

People look forward so much to retirement, but bad things can happen when they choose the wrong place to retire.  Here are lessons from 10 Topretirements Members on the pitfalls they discovered. More>>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Some Kind of Heaven: Love and Loss in The Villages

The Villages is a huge place with a million stories. This sad documentary, reviewed by Larry Gavrich, profiles 4 people's lives in the giant community. Two are single and struggle, and a married couple copes with aging in a different way. While the stories are sad, you do get a pretty good idea of what life can be like here. More >>


Colonial Savannah - Georgia

One of the coolest things, and the most enduring, is that Savannah was planned in England before any settlers arrived. That has left it with graceful streets and neighborhood squares galore, which appeal to tourists and retirees. The area outside has many active communities to choose from too.  More>>

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